Truck driving licence in Germany

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Truck License in Germany

TIR Driving License in Germany Simply put, it is the official document required to drive trucks and trailers in Germany and Europe. This driver’s license, which you can earn with additional training and exams in the field of your C class driver’s license, offers you a new world .

Why Should You Get a TIR License?

  • A safe and well-paying job: Truck driving is a highly demanded and well-paid profession in Europe.
  • Opportunity to discover the world: You can explore every corner of Europe, different cultures and breathtaking landscapes by being a truck driver.
  • Freedom of independence: Being a truck driver gives you the freedom to chart your own route and build your own breadth.
  • It is worth noting that the material of the truck must be different and its life size must be in the sun.

How to Get a TIR Driving License?

To get a TIR license, you must first have a Class C driver’s license . Additionally, TIR license training and exams must be successfully completed at an authorized institution in Germany.

Training and Exams:

  • Theoretical exam: It is a test consisting of traffic rules, technical information and first aid.
  • Practical driving test: It is an exam that allows you to check your driving on different tracks and traffic conditions.

Required documents:

  • Identity document or passport
  • Assistant (if necessary)
  • Class B driving license
  • Health examination report
  • Psychotechnical test Belgium
  • German language exam Belgium
  • biometrics photographer
  • Application fee


The cost of obtaining a TIR license may vary depending on the students’ education and course. 

What Can You Do with a TIR License?

With your TIR Driving License in Germany you can do everything you can with your Class C driving license, in addition to:

  • You can use trucks and tractors with trailers.
  • This means you can see what’s going on.
  • You can carry out international transportation.

Are your dreams calling you to the roads? Then get ready to embark on a new adventure by getting a truck license !

Germany TIR Driving License Classes

In Germany, a TIR license is the official document required to drive a truck and a truck. This license is earned through additional training and exams on top of the Class C driver’s license .

TIR licenses are classified according to the truck’s maximum loaded weight and trailer towing capacity .

The common TIR license classes in Germany are:

CE Class:

  • It is required for the use of trucks and tractors with trailers.
  • If you have a C class driving license in Turkey, you can get a CE class driving license with additional training and examination.
  • It is available for vehicles with a maximum loaded weight exceeding 7,500 kilograms.

Class C1:

  • It is necessary to use heavy vehicles between 7.5 tons and 12 tons.
  • You can also see this a few years later.
  • Cannot tow trailer, only truck available.

Class C:

  • Required for truck use.
  • It is available for vehicles with lower tonnage than the C1 class license.
  • Can’t tow a trailer.

Class D:

  • Required for bus use.
  • It can be obtained by passing the same exams as a TIR license.

Things to Consider When Choosing Your Driving License:

  • Maximum loaded weight of the vehicle you want to use
  • Need for trailer towing
  • your first experience

How to Get a TIR License in Germany?

To get a TIR license you need to follow the following steps:

  • You have a class C driver’s license
  • TIR license training at an authorized institution in Germany
  • Successfully complete theoretical and practical driving exams

Required documents:

  • Identity document or passport
  • Assistant (if necessary)
  • Class B driving license
  • Health examination report
  • Psychotechnical test Belgium
  • German language exam Belgium
  • biometrics photographer
  • Application fee


The cost of obtaining a TIR license may vary depending on the students’ education and course. On average, you will have to pay between €2,000 or €3,000 including all costs .

What Can You Do with a TIR License?

With a TIR licence, you can do everything you can with a class C licence, in addition to:

  • You can use trucks and tractors with trailers.
  • This means you can see what’s going on.
  • You can carry out international transportation.


Requirements to Obtain a TIR License in Germany

In Germany, a TIR license is the official document required to drive a truck and a truck. This license is earned through additional training and examinations in the class C driving license and the size offers **wide freedoms on Europe’s roads**.

So, what conditions do you need to meet to get a TIR license?

1. Yes:

  • To get a TIR license, you must be at least 18 years old .

2. Driving license:

  • Having a Class C driving license in Turkey is the first step to getting a TIR license.
  • If you do not have a class C driver’s license, you will need to reserve it first.


  • In order to obtain a TIR license, health services must be appropriate .
  • For this, you must undergo a health examination by an authorized institution and have health reports .

4. Psychotechnical Test:

  • TIR license candidates must successfully pass psychotechnical tests .
  • Lubricate these tests your attention, content and reaction time.

5. Language Exam:

  • In order to get a TIR license in Germany, you must have knowledge of the German language at least at B1 level .
  • This requires documentation to take a language exam at an authorized institution such as the Goethe-Institut or ÖSD .

6. Other Documents:

  • Identity document or passport
  • Assistant (if necessary)
  • biometrics photographer
  • Application fee

Training and Exams:

To obtain a TIR license, you must successfully complete the TIR license training sections and exams at an authorized institution .

Training programs usually last several weeks or months and include theoretical and practical training.

The exams consist of theoretically and practically challenging exams.

TIR License Application Process and Required Documents in Germany

What steps do you need to follow to get a TIR license?

Step 1: Provide Required Conditions:

  • Age: Being at least 18 years old
  • Driving license: Having a class C driving license
  • Health: Passing a health examination and obtaining a health report
  • Psychotechnical Test: Successfully passed the psychotechnical tests
  • Language Exam: Having at least B1 level German language knowledge

Step 2: Select the Educational Institution:

There are many institutions that provide TIR license training. Educational programs and course fees may vary depending on the institution. It is important to choose a training program that is reliable and suitable for you.

Step 3: Apply:

You can apply to the educational institution of your choice by filling out the application and attaching the required fees.

Step 4: Training and Exams:

You must attend the training and complete theory and practical training. At the end of the training, exams must be taken during the theory and practice journeys.

Step 5: Get Your Driver’s License:

If you complete the exams successfully, you can get your TIR license.

Required documents:

  • Identity document or passport
  • Assistant (if necessary)
  • Class C driving license
  • Health examination report
  • Psychotechnical test Belgium
  • German language exam Belgium
  • biometrics photographer
  • Application fee

Theoretical and Practical Test in Detail

TIR Driving License Exams in Germany: Theoretical and Practical Details

To get a truck license in Germany, you must successfully complete theoretical and practical driving exams . This means that the TIR can always get the money back and be sure to look at the results.

Theoretical Exam:

The theoretical exam is a test consisting of the combination of traffic rules, technical information, first aid and hazardous materials content presented to you . The exam usually takes 45 minutes and consists of 30 questions. To pass the exam, you must answer at least 24 questions correctly.

Some of the topics offered in the theory exam are:

  • Traffic rules and fees
  • road safety
  • Vehicle technology and maintenance
  • First aid
  • Hazardous substance restriction
  • Driving rules in Europe

Practical economic insights:

The practical driving test is an exam that tests your ability to handle different tracks and traffic conditions . The exam usually lasts about 60 minutes and includes different courses and maneuvers . To pass the exam, you must complete all maneuvers without any damage and follow safe driving rules .

Some of the parts evaluated in the practical driving test are:

  • vehicle control
  • Not obeying traffic rules
  • parking
  • Maneuver
  • Attention and amount
  • safe driving

Preparation for Exams:

It is important to prepare well for the TIR license exams . To do this, you need to gain theoretical and practical training options and driving experience . It will also be beneficial for you to improve yourself by deciphering the text details about the exam and doing practical orientation exercises .

Solution to Success in Exams:

  • If you want to have a good time, you will have to wait a long time.
  • Lack of theoretical knowledge before the exam.
  • Be calm and confident during the exam.
  • Read the exam questions thoroughly and do not answer unless you are sure you have clarified them.
  • During the practical driving test, obey the traffic rules and pay attention to safe driving rules.

TIR Driving License Training Programs and Schools

To obtain a TIR license in Germany, you must successfully complete TIR license training and exams at an authorized institution .

TIR license training programs usually last a few weeks or months and include theoretical and practical training .

Theoretical training:

  • Traffic rules and fees
  • road safety
  • Vehicle technology and maintenance
  • First aid
  • Hazardous substance restriction
  • Driving rules in Europe

Practical training:

  • Driving on different tracks and traffic conditions
  • parking
  • Maneuver
  • Attention and amount
  • safe driving

There are many institutions that provide TIR license training in Germany. It is possible to change these programs, training programs and course fees. It is important to choose a training program that is reliable and suitable for you.

There are some institutions that provide TIR license training:

  • Driving schools: Private driving schools
  • Vocational schools: Vocational schools
  • Employment agencies: Employment agencies

Some parts to consider in TIR license training are:

  • Educational content content
  • education time
  • course fee
  • Instructors’ experience
  • Location of the school


Budget Duration and Renewal expenses of Germany TIR Driving License

In Germany, a TIR license is a license that must be renewed every 5 years . If you have a CE class TIR license, you must pass a 5-year examination and your health reports must be interrupted . If you have a C1 class TIR license, it is sufficient to pass a 10-year examination.

To change your TIR license:

  1. Applying to an authorized institution: To renew your driving licence, you can apply to the Belgian driving office where you live or to an authorized driving school .
  2. Submitting the necessary documents: During the application, you must submit the necessary documents such as your identity document, old driver’s license, medical report and biometric photo .
  3. Fee: The fee for changing a TIR license is approximately €35 .
  4. Taking the Belgian driver’s test: In some systems, you can take the driver’s license test to change your license . This exam consists of general theory and practical driving tests.

If you forget to renew your TIR license:

  • By renewing your driver’s license within 2 months after its protection ends, no criminal legal action will be taken.
  • If more than 2 months have passed since your driver’s license expired, you must pay a penalty fee to renew your driver’s license .


Documents That TIR License Holders Must Carry in Germany

In Germany, drivers with a TIR license are required to carry a number of documents with them in order to operate in accordance with the rules . These documents are:

1. TIR License:

  • The driver must have a CE, C1 or C class TIR license and the license must be valid.
  • Information such as personal information of the driver’s license holder, driver’s license class and validity date should be included.

2. Driver’s License:

  • The driver must have a valid identification document, such as a national identity card or passport.
  • The identity document must contain registered and personal information.

3. Vehicle Documents:

  • They must have their vehicle license and insurance documents with them.
  • The license must contain information such as the make, model, license plate number, registration date and owner of the vehicle.
  • The insurance document shows that the vehicles and structures are insured against third parties.

4. Certificate of Medical Fitness:

  • CE class TIR license holders are subject to a treatment certificate starting from a 5-year examination .
  • If a C1 class TIR license holder is a holder, a medical examination certificate must be obtained after a 10-year medical examination.

5. Cargo Documents:

  • There is so much to say and so many different ways to better understand the impact of money.
  • Cargo documents must also include ADR (Dangerous Goods Transportation Highway Regulation) documents if dangerous goods are transported.

6. Other Documents:

  • It may be helpful for drivers to have other reports they may need. You can find hiding places among these:
    • Vehicle owner’s manual
    • Emergency contact information
    • Maps
    • Itinerary

Other rules that the German TIR license holder must comply with:

  • Drivers had to comply with proper driving rules and pay attention to traffic operations and signals .
  • Drivers should take appropriate rest and breaks and should not drive in a tired or careless manner .
  • Drivers must not adhere to the appropriate driving speed and must not excessively speed .
  • Drivers should not drive under the influence of alcohol or stress .


Requirements for a Turkish Driving License to be valid in Germany

Requirements for a Turkish Driving License to be valid in Germany

Having a TIR license in Germany offers the opportunity to work on long journeys in Europe and many other countries. So, is a foreign TIR license valid in Germany?

Answer: It depends.

  • EU Country Members: If you got your driving license in the EU, it is automatically valid in Germany. You do not need any additional documents.
  • Non-EU Countries: If you received your driver’s license in a non-EU country, you will need to complete certain procedures to register your driver’s license in Germany.

Recognition of TIR Driving License from Non-EU Countries:

1. Translation of your Driving License:

  • You must have your driving license translated into German or English . The translation must be done by a sworn translator .

2. Obtaining International Drop Permit:

  • You will need international driving permit (International Driving Permit – IDP) numbers from the competent authority where you live , along with a translation of your driver’s license .
  • The IDP is a valid translation of your driver’s license and is valid for 1 year.

3. Experience Certificate:

  • In some cases, you may need a document showing at least 1 year of truck driving experience to use your TIR license in Germany . You can also use the information you need in Belgium .

4. Health Examination:

  • In some cases, you may be required to undergo a medical examination and provide a document showing that your health is suitable to work as a truck driver.

5. Driver’s License Change:

  • For some types, you may be asked to change to a German driving licence . In this case, you must not be present at the driver’s license documents and present the necessary documents.

Things to pay attention:

  • Before completing suitable applications, it is recommended that they be checked with the competent authority where you live or with the traffic authorities in Germany (Road Traffic Office) .
  • Document of change according to the required documents and procedures process.
  • To leave Germany with a TIR license, you need to have your driver’s license as well as other necessary documents .



  • It is important to do your research on getting a trucking license and choose the training program that suits you .
  • Improving your German language correction will increase completion.
  • It is important that you comply with international driving rules and regulations .
  • If you want to see what you’re looking for, you’ll be able to see what’s going on .


Some useful links


For those who want to get a Germany Truck Driving License, you can go through a more convenient and faster process by choosing our driving school in Neuss. Euro Drive Team Neuss driving school


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